AE木偶图钉动画绑定脚本 Aescripts Puppet Tools 3(附教程)


AE木偶图钉动画绑定脚本 Aescripts Puppet Tools 3(附教程)


Creates and places nulls where AE Puppet Tool pins are located on the selected layer, then connects them. New ‘Create IK’ feature – a one click IK setup.

Now with IK!

PuppetTools creates and places nulls where AE Puppet Tool pins are located on the selected layer, then connects them.


This function creates and places nulls where AE Puppet Tool pins are located on the selected layer, then connects them via expressions. If you’re a frequent Puppet Tool user you know what a pain in the butt it is to animate with, especially when you have a lot of pins and separate layers of artwork. Hopefully this null workflow makes things a bit easier.


The new ‘Create IK’ feature offers an easy way to use Inverse Kinematics (IK) in your rig. Select three nulls (starting with the driving joint) and then click ‘Create IK’ – done. It was designed to work with this puppet script, but can be used on any three nulls.


This function automates the process of looping an animation cycle. It time remaps the selected layer and applies a loop expression to it. You have the option only loop a finite number of times, or loop endlessly. If the selected layer isn’t precomped, it will do that for you.

■New Create IK feature! A one-click IK setup.
■Auto-saves your settings
■Support for multiple mesh artwork
■Better support for Shape layers
■Fixed uncentered anchor point bug
■FREE practice character rig!
■FREE ft_Toolbar icon!




AE木偶图钉动画绑定脚本 Aescripts Puppet Tools 3(附教程)




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