AE教程:画面稳定跟踪矫正 Lynda–After Effects Guru Tracking and Stabilizing Footage




在AE运用Warp Stabilizer等特效均可完成操作。



Whether it’s removing camera shake or tracking a camera’s movement, After Effects has you covered. You can apply a variety of techniques to smooth out the camera movement in a shot, using the After Effects Warp Stabilizer VFX effect, and track the camera to add objects into a scene realistically. Rich Harrington shows you how in this installment of After Effects Guru.



  • Analyzing footage
  • Using the 3D camera tracker to stabilize footage
  • Choosing and moving a target
  • Adding 3D text to a scene
  • Tracking an object
  • Applying the Warp Stabilizer VFX
  • Choosing a stabilization method
  • Reducing rolling shutter distortion
  • Matching movement




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