AE+C4D片头效果制作教程 SkyKing Creative – Creating Movie Trailer ‘First Look’ Graphics



然后渲染出带通道的 Object Buffers ,导入AE中进行后期特效加工,处理细节等。


SkyKingCreative – Creating Movie Trailer ‘First Look’ Graphics with Cinema 4D and After Effects

Learn to create ‘AMC First Look’ style graphics in Cinema 4D (C4D) and Adobe After Effects using simple geometry,primitive cubes, and 3D text. Using Cinema 4D Mograph plugins to create multiple levels of Displacement effects using the ‘Random Effector’ and ‘Formula Effector’ to create rolling waves of geometry. Create and Animate 3D text using the ‘Plain Effector’. Learn color correction and the proper use of Multi-pass rendering and Object Buffers in Cinema 3d and After Effects



AE+C4D片头效果制作教程 SkyKing Creative-Creating Movie Trailer[First Look]Graphics





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