AE教程:CC 2014.1基础训练教程Train Simple After Effects CC Building On The Fundamentals




教程由Train Simple机构出品,主要讲解利用AE CC 2014.1 进行一些效果训练

AE CC 2014.1 更新也有一段时间,这次更新在很多功能上也有所改进,这期教程中也有涉及讲解,




After Effects CC Building on the Fundamentals is the second part of our fundamentals training series. In this course you will learn how to take your After Effects skills to the next level by understanding animation techniques and 3D options available inside of the program.




1. Introduction  教程介绍

2. Working with 3D Assets and Effects  三维和特效

3. Working with Text  文字效果

4. Animating a Title  动画文字效果

5. Working with Expressions     表达式运用



AE教程:CC 2014.1基础训练教程Train Simple After Effects CC Building On The Fundamentals







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