AE+C4D教程:电影文字片头制作 Lynda-Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects







Lynda-Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects

Learn to create dynamic Hollywood-style title sequences for movie trailers, using the tools in CINEMA 4D. EJ Hassenfratz shows how to create attention-grabbing text elements, apply textures and lighting, and animate the titles in styles that suit two different genres: action flicks and fantasy films. Then you'll learn how to render the scene and bring the assets into After Effects, in order to composite them with live-action footage and preview the final trailers. These tutorials follow a real-world workflow, used in many of the leading Hollywood production studios.

Topics include: 知识点
Exploring movie trailer trends   电影预告片的发展趋势探索
Creating eye-catching bevels with Sweep NURBS and chisel techniques  创建元素
Texturing and lighting title text   贴图和灯光
Animating the titles and cameras   文字和摄像机动画
Setting up for render  渲染设置
Adding optical flares, motion blur, and other effects  添加光效,运动模糊等
Compositing motion graphics and live-action footage   动画合成
Color correcting composites   画面调色








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