AE教程:强大炫酷粒子插件 Trapcode Particular 2.5 新功能使用教程


这次粒子插件进行了一次大更新 Trapcode Particular 2.5,

Particular 2.1 拥有了新的UI界面,包括一个新的效果预览生成器(用直接观看粒子预设效果)在预览生成器里,你可以使用预设/风格添加到特效图层,可自定义修改粒子的效果,


新增130多个新预设,用于创建火焰,夜空,宇宙,烟花爆竹,爆炸,烟雾等。新的精灵粒子和多边形粒子 – 百余静态和动画梦幻效果,很容易通过新的效果生成器加载。

新的 “Over Life” 图形给你更多的控制权的大小,颗粒物在生命值中的不透明度。新的图形系统,让你画的曲线,轻松地调整点。从头开始绘制,或启动相应的预设和调整。


方形像素比控制 Aspect Ratio control 可以让你改变粒子的长宽比,让你可以拉伸或压缩的形状或图像的能力。迅速把球调整成椭圆形,方形成长方形,等。两个新的粒子类型已被添加,使您能够创建程序生成的方形和圆形形状的颗粒的能力。

Particular 2.5 支持高达 3000万粒子渲染(旧版本仅2​​000万)



While you can still work the regular Particular UI, Particular 2.5 includes a new Effects Builder, for visually creating particle effect. In the builder you can add adjustable blocks with preset behaviors and styles or add complete, customizable particle effects instantly. The Effects Builder gives instant visual feedback, making the building and previewing of effects an intuitive and creative experience.

130+ New presets – Particular 2.5 Includes over 130 new Effects Builder presets, giving you over 180 fully-customizable presets for creating flames, spaceflight, fireworks, explosions, smoke and more.New Sprites and Polygons – Particular 2.5 includes over a hundred still and animated sprite images, easily loaded through the new Effects Builder.

New “Over Life” Graphs give you more control over the size and opacity of particles over life. The new graphing system lets you draw curves and adjust points easily. Draw from scratch, or start with presets and adjust.

The new explode behavior automates the process of creating explosion effects by removing the need to set keyframes.

With the new Aspect Ratio control, you can change the aspect ratio of your particles, giving you the ability to stretch or compress the shape or sprite image. Quickly turn spheres into ovals, squares into rectangles, and much more. Two new

Particle types has been added, giving you the ability to create procedural generated square and circle shaped particles.

Particular 2.5 can render up to 30 Million particles (previously 20 Million), giving you more power, flexibility and particle awesomeness than ever before.




AE教程:强大炫酷粒子插件 Trapcode Particular 2.5 新功能使用教程

 Trapcode Particular 2.5 插件下载

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