AE教程:摇滚乐队MG卡通人物角色动画制作 Skillshare Rock Out with Character







In this class I’ll show you step-by-step how to design your own personalized character for animating in After Effects, how to rig it, animate it, and export it as a looping GIF. I’ll cover every step of my process in detail, so you can follow along even if you’ve never used After Effects before. I’ve even included all of my source design and animation project files for my four character loops at the bottom of this page. That way if you’re curious how I animated my characters, or want to skip the design process and just jump into animation, you can just use my files.




AE教程:摇滚乐队MG卡通人物角色MG动画制作 Skillshare Rock Out with Character








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