AE教程-卡通人物角色骨骼动作绑定MG动画制作 Creating and Rigging your character in After Effects


你想学习MG角色动画吗? 然后你需要知道如何在After Effects中设计,绘制和装配你的人物角色吗? 本课程将展示如何从想法转变为人物角色动画的整个制作流程。您将学习如何从头开始创建角色动画。使用到的 Duik脚本工具下载


Do you want to learn character animation? Then you need to know how to design, draw and rig your character in After Effects! This class will show how to go from just an idea to personal character animation.

In this class, you are going to learn how to create character animation from scratch.

You will learn how to:

Search for references
Do sketches and import them to After Effects
Stylize character with textures
Download free plugin, Duik
Setup full character rig with Duik

During the class you will also learn efficient tips and shortcuts, that will speed up your workflow.



AE教程-卡通人物角色骨骼动作绑定MG动画制作 Creating and Rigging your character in After Effects

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