AE图层切换嘴型动画脚本 Mouth Shapes 使用教程(双语字幕)+AE脚本下载

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Mouth Shapes是一个免费且简单的AE脚本,只需要点击一个按钮,即可让嘴唇同步变得容易。 在创建角色动画时,这是一个非常有效的工具,但它也为您的后期效果工作流程提供了一个强大的资源,无论何时您需要切换多个层等等。


Mouth Shapes is a FREE and simple script born from a deep seated hatred of lip syncing and the setup that goes into it. We take that boring long process and boil it down to a single button press; lip syncing made easy. We’ve made a very effective tool in creating character animation, but it also makes for a powerful asset in your After Effects workflow anytime you need to toggle multiple layers, and much more.



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