AE教程-常用功能处理视频操作Lynda – How Do I Do That in After Effects(英文字幕)


探索有关After Effects的一些最常见问题的解决方案,包括如何操纵时间,移除多余物体对象,绿色/蓝色视频抠像,以及创建特殊的文字效果。讲师理查德·哈灵顿(Richard Harrington)首先介绍了如何入门的基本信息,然后再着手进行更复杂的任务,例如动画,延时,合成和控制速度。理查德还分享了许多解决常见镜头问题的方法,包括如何改善镜头畸变,移除多余物体对象以及校正过度或曝光不足的镜头。


Explore solutions for some of the most common questions about Adobe After Effects, including how to manipulate time, remove distracting objects, work with green and blue screen footage, and create special text effects. Instructor Richard Harrington starts with basic information on how to get started before moving on to more complex tasks such as animation, time-lapse, compositing, and controlling speed. Richard also shares ways to remedy many common footage problems, including how to improve lens distortion, remove distracting objects, and correct over or underexposed shots.



  • 基本的After Effects技能
  • 添加和消除相机抖动
  • 消除镜头变形
  • 改善黑暗或曝光过度的镜头
  • 加快和减慢射门速度
  • 创建变速效果
  • 处理照片
  • 添加,动画化和拉伸文本
  • 抠像和合成
  • 旋转范围
  • 追踪物体



AE教程-常用功能处理视频操作Lynda – How Do I Do That in After Effects(英文字幕)

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