学习BCC插件使用视频教程 Lynda – Learning Boris Continuum 2020 (英文字幕)

BCC(全称Boris Continuum)是一个综合的效果包,使您可以访问一系列功能和效果,包括还原素材,生成2D和拉伸的3D文本,创建专业广播标题以及在几种不同的主机应用程序中实现惊人合成效果的功能。本课程重点介绍将Boris Continuum与Adobe After Effects结合使用,并提供几种合成技术,可用来使您的项目看起来更好。首先,VFX专家Lee Lanier展示了如何应用样式效果,并解释了如何使用PixelChooser和Art Looks效果。然后,他分享了如何给渐变和变形的片段上色,如何与Primatte Studio配合使用,如何使用“Particle Illusion-幻影粒子”添加粒子,如何使用3D文本等等。


Boris Continuum is a comprehensive effects package that allows you to access an array of features and effects, including the ability to restore footage, generate 2D and extruded 3D text, create professional broadcast titles, and achieve striking compositing results in several different host applications. This course focuses on using Boris Continuum with Adobe After Effects, and provides several compositing techniques that you can use to make your projects look great. To begin, VFX expert Lee Lanier shows how to apply stylistic effects, explaining how to work with the PixelChooser and Art Looks effects. He then shares how to color grade and warp footage, key with Primatte Studio, add particles with Particle Illusion, work with 3D text, and more.




学习BCC插件使用视频教程 Lynda – Learning Boris Continuum 2020 (英文字幕)

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Ae/Pr视觉特效和转场BCC插件包Continuum 2020.5 v13.5.0.1182 Mac/Win版



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