Mac音乐制作/编辑软件:Apple Logic Pro X v10.0.7 Multilingual MacOSX


Apple Logic Pro X 是苹果电脑上一款超强的音乐制作软件。现更新最新版本 Apple Logic Pro X v10.0.7

Logic Pro 在你的 Mac 上构建起一座完备的录音室,以别开生面的方式为专业音乐人提供作曲、录音、编辑和混音所需的一切。

先进的全新工具可以源源不断地激发你的创作灵感,而直观的界面又让这些工具时时应你所需,唾手可得。倍受 Logic Pro 用户喜爱的全套强大功能,如今更如虎添翼,供你尽情享用。




Version 10.0.7

Now supports 24 processing threads on 12-core Mac Pro models
The current volume, pan, and send values for all selected tracks can now be inserted at the playhead position
Enabling Low Latency Mode no longer creates sync issues for Drummer, Ultrabeat, Native Instruments Machine and other plug-ins with integrated step sequencers
Automation can now be copied and pasted to any location using the Marquee tool
Adds an option for MIDI volume and pan data to control the instrument plug-in instead of the channel strip
Resolves several snap and alignment guide issues
Various fixes that improve XML import and export with Final Cut Pro X
Contains multiple enhancements to Accessibility
Release name: Apple.Logic.Pro.X.v10.0.7.Multilingual.MacOSX.Retail-CORE



Apple Logic Pro X v10.0.7 Multilingual MacOSX



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