最新版 Final Cut Pro 专业资源库管理工具 Final Cut Library Manager 2.05 for Mac
Final Cut Library Manager: Final Cut Library Manager for Mac 专业的Final Cut Pro 资源库管理工具, 智能系统的资源库管理,拥有综合全面的功能,
不用打开 Final Cut 就可以自动扫描硬盘与磁盘上的工程文件分析文件大小.
Final Cut Library Manager instantly displays all of the Final Cut Pro X 10.1 libraries that it finds on your Spotlight-indexed drives. You can also add other sources : including disks, Xsan volumes or folders, including those not indexed by spotlight.
More Info: http://www.arcticwhiteness.com/finalcutlibrarymanager/
工具适用Mac平台:OS version: 10.9 or 更高
软件:Final Cut Pro X: 10.1 or 更高