FCPX插件:自动跟踪/自定义遮罩/抠像插件 Coremelt SliceX and TrackX v2.9.5 by mocha




一款非常棒的FCPX插件,mocha 软件在跟踪/遮罩领域是非常强大的,LookAE.com 现在终于推出了FCPX插件:自动跟踪/自定义遮罩/抠像插件 Coremelt SliceX and TrackX v2.9.5

Coremelt SliceX and TrackX  插件可以直接在FCPX软件中对图像图形的运动轨迹,更换屏幕或标志,插入跟踪元素等,无需外部应用程序,


插件还有自定义多点Mask遮罩,LookAE.com 操控性极强,可边缘羽化,用于抠像也是不错的选择。


Coremelt TrackX 自动跟踪插件:

插件内置了 mocha 平面跟踪引擎内置,可以很容易地处理最困难的摄像机运动跟踪

插件可直接在 Final Cut Pro  X 中平面运动跟踪计算运动轨迹:图形的运动轨迹,LookAE.com 更换屏幕或标志,直接在插件中操作,无需外部应用程序!


Simple Tracker 简单跟踪:简单即时跟踪。跟踪一个人或一个物体,适合快速插入文本或图形。

Track Layer 图层跟踪:轨道层与视角的转换,先进的跟踪,表面映射和屏蔽功能,适合屏幕中插入文本标志更换,具有3D属性。

Track Text 跟踪文本:包括文本发生器与角度跟踪文本和遮挡能力。


Coremelt SliceX 自定义遮罩插件:

插件可让你在 Final Cut Pro X 软件中创建即时形状遮罩层或隔离作用,LookAE.com 不必去Motion软件或使用一个外部程序。





Mocha 动力平面跟踪轨迹



内置可编辑预置 LookAE.com


插件适用于 Mac OS X 平台:(苹果电脑)Final Cut Pro X 或  Motion 5 软件(建议使用最新版FCPX软件)




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Imagineer has partnered with plug-in developer, CoreMelt to deliver powerful planar tracking and roto-masking functionality to the FCP community.


TrackX powered by mocha
The Planar Motion Tracking Plug-in for Final Cut Pro XTrackX lets you motion track directly in the FCPX timeline. Track graphics to movement, replace screens or signs, directly from the Final Cut timeline. No external applications required!
Features 3 plug-ins:

Simple Tracker: simple & instant tracking.LookAE.com  Perfect for quick text or graphics following a person or object.
Track Layer: advanced tracking with perspective shifts, surface mapping and masking capabilities for screen inserts and logo replacements.
Track Text: includes a text generator to track text with perspective and masking capabilities.
TrackX is built with mocha’s Academy Award winning planar tracking engine and can easily handle the most difficult camera motion and tracking challenges.


SliceX powered by mocha
The “Roto-Mask” plug-in for Final Cut Pro XSliceX lets you create instant Shape Masks to cut out layers or isolate effects directly in Final Cut Pro X without having to go into Motion or create the masks with an external program. Create animated garbage mattes, blur shapes and more directly within your Final Cut timeline! LookAE.com  SliceX includes nine motion templates for common tasks and you can also use the Shape Masks with built in effects, the built in color corrector or with third party plugins.Features: LookAE.com
Create custom roto mask shapes within FCPX
Track with mocha powered Planar Tracker
Isolated color correction and fill effects.
Cutout, blur, depth of field, clone and more.
Built-in editable presets






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