红巨人出品的又一给力工具插件,Red Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy+XimportAE
插件包Automatic Duck,包含两个插件Media Copy 和XimportAE,仅适用于mac,
Media Copy 可以通过AAF/XML文件直接把FCPX工程中使用的素材拷贝到指定文件夹,
XimportAE 可以将FCPX工程直接导入到AE时间线中,进行合成调整,非常的方便
- Move your timeline from FCPX to After Effects in an instant.
- Carries plugins, along with a vast variety of FCPX features.
- No conversion or XML processing required.
Media Copy:
- Copies all media associated with your AAF/XML files, in one step.
- Generates HTML reports, giving you a record of the files copied.
- Process individual project files or batch your AAF/XML files.
Red Giant Automatic Duck XImportAE:
XAEF 1007 8727 3570 3213
Red Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy v4:
DMCF 4000 8293 3570 6734