在这期教程中主要讲解介绍 Final Cut Pro X 10.4 软件的新功能和新特性,学习如何加快你的工作流程,以全新颜色校正方式和创建VR全景360镜头,并使用HEVC,iMovie,和HDR夹在你的项目中。
Explore the new features designed to help video editors unlock the power of Final Cut Pro X and its sidekicks Motion and Compressor. Instructor Nick Harauz covers all the changes (both big and small) in the latest update to Final Cut Pro X, version 10.4. Learn how to speed up your workflow, work in brand-new ways with color and 360-degree footage, and use HEVC, iMovie, and HDR clips in your projects.
Topics include:
- HEVC support HEVC 支持
- HDR support HDR 支持
- Color correction 色彩校正
- Color Wheels and Color Curves 色轮和颜色曲线
- Creating 360-degree video projects 创建360度视频项目
- Virtual reality effects and titles VR虚拟现实效果与片头
FCPX 10.4 新功能介绍教程 Lynda – Final Cut Pro X Guru New Features 英文字幕