PS插件-亮度蒙版调色插件NBP Lumizone v1.1.001 Photoshop Win/Mac


NBP Lumizone是一款ps亮度蒙版调色插件面板,帮助大家在Photoshop中轻松实现hdr色彩校正和光影调整,给照片增添电影级高级质感,提供3个生成亮度蒙版选项,可以为任何图层生成亮度蒙版,支持从R、G、B通道创建亮度蒙版,拥有人性化的操作界面,完善的工作流程,大大提高图像处理效率。


For years, luminosity masks in a retouching workflow have been utilized by countless retouchers and editors, and for good reason. Many elaborate Photoshop Actions have been scripted and sold for the purposes of luminosity mask creation over the years, several involving “storing” dozens of masks in the Channels palette, to be called on as needed. Some users opt to create a luminosity mask as needed, when needed, using any number of methods.  Regardless of your preferred approach, the creation of luminosity masks has traditionally been clunky at best, and tedious no matter what.


支持WIN/MAC系统:Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 – CC 2019



PS插件-亮度蒙版调色插件NBP Lumizone v1.1.001 Photoshop Win/Mac

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