C4D插件-摄像机动画模拟插件GreyscaleGorilla GorillaCam V1.0151 Win/Mac + 使用教程




GorillaCam is a plugin for Cinema 4D R16 and above. It is designed to work with your existing animated (or un-animated) camera. Its purpose is simple. GorillaCam makes your camera feel like a real person is behind it, not some cold, dead machine. GorillaCam can smooth out a boring linear camera move, add subtle (or not-so-subtle) shake, automatically overshoot targets, and even rack focus with subtle imperfection.


支持Win/Mac系统:Cinema 4D R16-R21



C4D插件-摄像机动画模拟插件GreyscaleGorilla GorillaCam V1.0151 Win/Mac

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