PS插件-人像润色磨皮美颜插件Imagenomic Portraiture v3.5.5 Mac版


Imagemonic Portraiture 是一款比较经典且强大的 Photoshop 人像润色磨皮滤镜,用于人像图片润色,减少了人工选择图像区域的重复劳动。它能智能地对图像中的皮肤材质、头发、眉毛、睫毛等部位进行平滑和减少疵点处理。滤镜效果非常不错,处理速度很快速和智能。


Imagenomic Portraiture for PS. Imagenomic Portraiture is a Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 or Elements 14 that eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by- pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc. HOME –

支持Mac系统: Photoshop CC 2015.5 – CC 2019, 2020, 2021



PS插件-人像润色磨皮美颜插件Imagenomic Portraiture v3.5.5 Mac版

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中文汉化PS插件-人像润色磨皮美颜插件 Imagenomic Portraiture v3.5.4 Win版



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