音效:工业金属齿轮转动碰撞音效 BL – Mechanicals Construction Kit WAV



非常适用的一套栏目包装影视制作音频合成的音效素材,拥有超过 2500种音效,600多个文件,




MECHANICALS CONSTRUCTION KIT is an incredibly valuable and versatile set of sound FX. Use these high-quality source sounds to create your own mechanical sound masterpieces from scratch.

To give you unlimited possibilities we included more than 2.000 single source sound FX in more than 560 files. Choose from a sheer endless amount of CLICKS, SNAPS, MOVEMENTS, COMPLEX SOUND SEQUENCES, RATTLING, ROLLING, SLIDING, SPRINGS, TURNS & SWEETENERS. Different sizes, multiple variations and a huge palette of different machines and mechanism sounds give you full flexibility to enter a new world of outstanding sound effects.

We recorded the mechanical sound effects with only small reverberation rooms to give you as much flexibility as possible. The dry and very close sounds can easily be integrated into other reverberation rooms and afterwards you can add as much reverb to your sounds as you need. The recordings for MECHANICALS were very interesting. We searched quite some time to find a collector of really rare, old, strange and charming machines (i.a. a successor of the famous Enigma) that surprised us with some very unique sounds. Everywhere where mechanics took place we pointed our microphones towards it and captured the sound. We recorded really small and wispy mechanics as well as huge machines and old, almost forgotten slot machines from the 1900s like chocolate- and gaming machines, type writers, check writers and printing machines.




音效:工业金属齿轮转动碰撞音效 Boom Library Mechanicals Construction Kit WAV

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好莱坞特效音效全集 Hollywood Edge Hi Tech & Top Secret Sound FX (5CDs)

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