2019年11月04日更新Audio Jungle超级配乐库精选影视片头音乐第69辑(100首)


2019.10.04更新:Audiojungle超实用配乐素材库片头模板音乐第69辑 100首 3.69G

了解或者使用过 VideoHive 的AE模板(国内大部分AE模板均来自此网站)的人都知道,他们网站上模板与配乐本身就是分隔开的,模板的作者并没有权利提供原版的配乐,他们制作时也仅仅是选用了带干扰音的小样(配乐的售价比模板本身还贵),国外AE片头模板的作者所用的配乐大都选自:Audio Jungle配乐交易平台,官方网址:www.audiojungle.net  每一首配乐/歌曲,官方价格是 $5-30美元,由此可见其珍贵性。









Audio Jungle 超级音乐库精选第69辑目录:

1.A Beautiful Moment 22800023
2.Abstract Ambient 17282331
3.Acoustic Conversation 14601656
4.After Sunrise 19771802
5.Alpha Omega 5979
6.Ambient Atmospheric 4826365
7.Ambient Cinematic 13770144
8.Ambient Corporate Motivational Background 21932755
9.Ambient Electronic 16131942
10.Ambient Futuristic Background 20352982
11.Ambient Memories 513361
12.Ambient Positive 2 19228167
13.Ambient Soundscape 20681272
14.Ambient Space 14660339
15.At The Sea 4407777
16.Atmospheric Lounge 20004630
17.Background Atmospheric Inspiring Ambient 23324420
18.Beautiful Background Ambient 21290815
19.Big Time 160712
20.Bright and Exciting 13873439
21.Carefree Children 18297855
22.Changing of Seasons 22686500
23.Chill 19901346
24.Chilled Out Ambient 49672
25.Cinematic Ambient Background 21465562
26.Cinematic Documentary 17774124
27.Clocks 2760354
28.Clouds 406585
29.Comically Cute 8803083
30.Corporate Ambient 18298803
31.Cosmic Flow 4931545
32.Creation 22235280
33.Cute Ukulele 15244100
34.Dark Emotional Soundscape 16667112
35.Dark Soundscape 11321745
36.Deep Dive 7257947
37.Deep Electronic Chill 17220997
38.Deep Pulse 2745497
39.Desert 15617691
40.Desert Lane 2760623
41.Digital Dreams 21651813
42.Discovery 19256737
43.Documentary 12372469
44.Documentary Ambient 19398995
45.Documentary Atmosphere Background Piano 20922177
46.Downtempo Daydream 163896
47.Dreamy Chillout 16526235
48.Drifted Voyage 2861
49.Drone Flight 23388218
50.Easy Child Melody 20336404
51.Electronic Atmospheric 239021
52.Electronic Orchestral Ambient 21633260
53.Electronic Soundscape 18001286
54.Emotional Ambient Soundscape 15626717
55.Emotional Documentary 21232105
56.Emotional Technology 15971753
57.Epic Film & Movie Trailer 19287507
58.Evolving Love Story 22806234
59.Experimental Ambient Soundscape 21456952
60.Fallen Angels 20912919
61.Fashion House 21257454
62.Feel Good Acoustic 19744851
63.Flying High 19563774
64.For Inspiring Piano 23990109
65.Forest Piano Atmosphere Background 21403184
66.Freedom 5685453
67.Friends 15332631
68.Fun in the Sun 7189669
69.Fun Kids Acoustic 2 13331320
70.Fun Kids Acoustic 3 13342740
71.Fun Kids Acoustic 7 14512982
72.Funny Bunny Cartoon 3034830
73.Funny Game Race Background Loop 95622
74.Ganymede 2387
75.Good Day 14146776
76.Halloween 17998943
77.Happy Ambient 19791626
78.Happy Kids 16161698
79.Happy Piano 13130444
80.Happy Smile 12515834
81.Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes 15089940
82.Hey Piano 8683840
83.Home 10347
84.Ice Surfer 3955109
85.Indie Road Trip 17775294
86.Innovative Technology 19213696
87.Inspiring Ambience 13322541
88.Inspiring Background 22447784
89.Inspiring Corporate Ambient Background 23664862
90.Inspiring Dreams 6904417
91.Into Infinity 19357419
92.Just Be Happy – 8325078
93.Landscape Atmospheric Background 23263172
94.Latin Saints 128009
95.Light Inspiration 13118918
96.Lively Commercial Indie 9385014
97.Lounge Restaurant 19332395
98.Lovely Piano Waltz 5343455
99.Lullaby 4551815
100.Minimalism 19310862



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