2019.12.30更新:Audiojungle超实用配乐素材库片头模板音乐第72辑 110首 3.38G
了解或者使用过 VideoHive 的AE模板(国内大部分AE模板均来自此网站)的人都知道,他们网站上模板与配乐本身就是分隔开的,模板的作者并没有权利提供原版的配乐,他们制作时也仅仅是选用了带干扰音的小样(配乐的售价比模板本身还贵),国外AE片头模板的作者所用的配乐大都选自:Audio Jungle配乐交易平台,官方网址:www.audiojungle.net 每一首配乐/歌曲,官方价格是 $5-30美元,由此可见其珍贵性。
Audio Jungle 超级音乐库精选第72辑目录:
1.Ambient 15116218
2.Ambient Abstraction 22773317
3.Ambient Background Inspirational 19985230
4.Ambient Cinematic Background 23542407
5.Ambient Corporate Background 22524211
6.Ambient Electronic Beat 10259002
7.Ambient Emotional 10697867
8.Ambient Inspiring Piano Pop 19593467
9.Ambient Meditation 16516839
10.Ambient Piano 16901333
11.Ambient Suspense Background Loop 13597973
12.Binary Star 21310782
13.Carefree Kids 13866556
14.Cheeky Pizzicato 6838316
15.Children Commercial Advertising 113533
16.Cinematic Action Trailer 17688781
17.Classical Lullaby Theme 5122948
18.Contemplation 19306228
19.Corporate Background Ambient 20814937
20.Destiny Atmosphere Meditation 22665067
21.Documentary 13822091
22.Documentary Ambient 20698552
23.Documentary Piano Ambient Background 19659117
24.Dots Minimal Ambient Background 20819868
25.Dreamy Dreamland 23184810
26.Dreamy Nature Relaxation Music 20055558
27.Driving Fast Cars 4328935
28.Electro City 4832270
29.Electronica 3 2278850
30.Emotional and Inspiring 22239620
31.Falling Down 13562922
32.Finger Family Colors 19308784
33.Follow The Light 4658078
34.Fun Kids Acoustic 6 14350492
35.Funny Childhood 21220285
36.Gentle Acoustic 6926454
37.Guitar Vacation 21508669
38.Happy and Playful Kids 22317470
39.Happy Playful Children 22993669
40.Happy Track For Kids 23878598
41.Haunted Smile 2853
42.Heading Home 2385083
43.Hip-Hop 22278561
44.Hopeful Ambient Piano 16458527
45.Hush Little Baby Musical Box 4239350
46.Inner Strength Inspiring Motivational Corporate 22289844
47.Inspiring Ambient 18070680
48.Inspiring Atmospheric Piano Mist Remix) 19078846
49.Inspiring Explainer Background 22420750
50.Inspiring Motivational Ambient Background 22493767
51.Inspiring Sports Hero 18749650
52.Lounge 19317302
53.Lounge Dubstep Background 19198300
54.Lullaby 526275
55.Mellow Chill 743145
56.Minimal 17430460
57.Motivational Background Ambient 19583213
58.Moving Backwards 7446449
59.Mysterious Low 1 112894
60.Naughty Children 19613479
61.New Year Countdown 20860692
62.Night Lights in Tokyo 10649603
63.One Two Three Four Five 20904436
64.Patience Perturbed 2846
65.Perfect Ambient 19876866
66.Playful Background 16477226
67.Pure Fun To Explain 14768780
68.Quiet And Thoughtful 14553
69.Summer Light Ambient 19756768
70.Summer Night Piano Dreaming 5158598
71.Summer Swing 20371205
72.Summer Whistling 8961573
73.Sunshine Background Inspired 20894949
74.Sweet Guitar Ambient Background 21626003
75.Sword Scrape 2 19702569
76.Tailer Logo Fx 20255180
77.Technology Corporation 10648011
78.Ten in the Bed 21514265
79.The Club 2358181
80.The Documentary 15625143
81.The Glitch Logo 19664357
82.The Kids Song 23954251
83.The Soundscape 20880242
84.The Wedding 19439453
85.Thinking Music 20409615
86.This Is Ambient 16167784
87.This is Game 21823707
88.This Is Trap 19926353
89.Thunder 20983020
90.Timelapse Trip-Hop 11941239
91.Toys 22519215
92.Trailer 13480033
93.Trap 18366841
94.Tripping Hook 22952
95.Upbeat 9954386
96.Upbeat Commercial Music 12375198
97.Upbeat Fashion Lounge Corporate 17689371
98.Upbeat Happy Rock with Whistle & Heys 11643704
99.Uplifting Piano 13393395
100.Uplifting Trendy Summer Energy Future Bass 20589428
101.Waiting for Sleep 23125071
102.Wedding 3401454
103.Whistling Shorty 9839526
104.Winding Roads 144048471
105.Worst Case Scenario 6982683
106.Zen 22334078
107.Epic Adventurous Trailer 10681348
108.Relax Ambient 21156195
109.Epic Action Logo 21220886
110.Epic Ident 16148408