AE插件:变形3D网格插件套装 Mettle Bundle V1.76 CE



最新变形3D网格插件套装 Mettle Bundle V1.75 ,提供加入了全景环境贴图插件SkyBox,其他插件也做了相应的更新。


Mettle Bundle V1.6套装包括:

FreeForm V2.1       网格变形插件(普通版)

FreeForm Pro v1.76      3D网格变形插件(专业版)

ShapeShifter v7.76       3D立体文字插件

SkyBox v2.02            360°环境贴图反射插件



Adobe After Effects CS4,CS5,CS6,CC,CC 2014,CC 2015



FreeForm V2.1
Bend, Warp and Distort a 3D layer in After Effects. Practical to create cylinders, curves, ribbons, and folds. Easy to create terrains, tunnels, animate water, character animation, and much more!

FreeForm Pro V1.75
Create a Liquid Metal Logo Animation in After Effects
Featured in the November issue of 3D Artist Magazine! Chris McFall( leads us through this amazing tutorial on how to create a liquid mercury logo animation all within After Effects. He uses mettle’s FreeForm Pro plug-in to nail the effect.

ShapeShifter AE 1.75
Design and animate 3D logos directly in After Effects. Create backgrounds, 3D morphing shapes, and much more, all customizable./

SkyBox V1.12
SkyBox makes it easy to generate 360 Environment and Reflection Maps using all your favorite After Effects plug-ins. A great production tool!



【插件下载】  插件为一键安装版,安装即可使用

AE插件:变形3D网格插件套装 Mettle Bundle V1.76 CE

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Mac/Win版:AE插件:变形3D网格插件套装 Mettle Bundle V1.75






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