脚本可以将分层的Photoshop或Illustrator分层文件转换为3D多平面图层。 它添加了一些表达式,让您可以在z轴上自由移动图层,而无需改变原始摄像机位置的镜头外观,从而可以轻松地控制图层和在场景中体验深度。
Instantly turn layered Photoshop or Illustrator files into 3D multiplanes. It adds expressions that let you freely move layers on the z axis without changing the look of the shot from the original camera position, making it easy to experiment with depth in your scene.
支持Win/Mac系统:AE CS 4 – CC 2019
AE脚本-PSD图层分层Z轴位置动画控制 pt_multiplane v2.82 + 使用教程