在本课程中,将学习使用内置的字幕标题设计器在PR CC 中创建标题,并探索用于编辑标题的所有面板和工具.
新版的 PR 软件 在字幕工具上做了很大改变,更加方便人性化,使用起来效率也会提高不少,
Knowing how to create and use Titles in Premiere Pro CC is essential if you create videos with Premiere Pro CC. In this course, Premiere Pro CC Titles you will learn how to use the Title Designer, how to create still, rolling, and crawling titles, and how to use the different types of text options available. You’ll also learn about standard title motion and placement. Finally, you’ll explore how to create and save title templates and styles. When you’re finished with this course, you will know all there is to know about creating and working with titles in Premiere Pro CC. Software required: Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Pr教程:文字字幕标题制作教程 Pluralsight – Premiere Pro CC Titles