PS插件:图片智能抠像插件 Digital Film Tools EZ Mask 3.0.6版


插件EZ Mask可以在PS软件中快速完成丢头发毛发、烟雾、反射等复杂图像的抠图。

EZ Mask is an easy to use interactive image masking tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image–even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. To work this magic, EZ Mask iteratively estimates the transparency value for every pixel in the image, based on a small sample of foreground (what you want to cut out) and background pixels marked by simple strokes on the image. There is even a Refine mode where EZ Mask automatically updates the mask or composite as you paint a stroke.




Adobe Photoshop CS5 and up (64 Bit Only)(兼容 CC 2019)

Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and up (Non-app store version)

Apple Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up



PS插件:图片智能抠像插件 Digital Film Tools EZ Mask 3.0.6版

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