在PR/FCPX/达芬奇/AE软件中LUTs视频调色教程Lynda – Creating Presets LUTs and Profiles for Video Pros 英文字幕


您是否希望在您的颜色调色工作流中节省时间并解锁新的创造性选项?了解如何在Premiere Pro、Final Cut Pro、Davinci Resolve和其他流行的视频编辑软件中构建自定义预设、Lut和配置文件。讲师rich harrington将带领您完成在Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut, Motion, and Resolve中创建预设的过程。然后他展示了如何在photoshop、Premiere、Resolve、3d lut creator、iwltbap lut generator和lattice中创建lut。最后,探索在许多相同应用中创建镜头校正外观的高级选项。一旦建立,新的预设、lut和配置文件将成为工具,您将一次又一次地使用这些工具,从而节省宝贵的时间并提高产品的整体质量。


Are you looking to save time and unlock new creative options in your color grading workflow? Learn how to build custom presets, LUTs, and profiles in Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and other popular video editing applications. Instructor Rich Harrington walks you through the process of creating presets in Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut, Motion, and Resolve. Then he shows how to create LUTs in Photoshop, Premiere, Resolve, 3D LUT Creator, IWLTBAP LUT Generator, and Lattice. Finally, explore advanced options for creating lens correction profiles in many of the same applications. Once built, your new presets, LUTs, and profiles will become go-to tools you’ll use time and time again—saving you valuable time and enhancing the overall quality of your productions.



在PR/FCPX/达芬奇/AE软件中LUTs视频调色教程Lynda – Creating Presets LUTs and Profiles for Video Pros 英文字幕

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