SketchUp渲染器插件 V-Ray Next 4.20.03 for SketchUp 2016-2020 Win版

通过重大的工作流程优化和更快的渲染,V-Ray Next比以往更智能,更快和更强大。易于学习,易于使用。V-Ray for SketchUp旨在让您立即启动并运行。V-Ray可让您直接在SketchUp中创建最高质量的渲染。从快速的设计模型到最详尽的3D场景,V-Ray都使您能够渲染任何东西。渲染速度快,设计速度更快。V-Ray for SketchUp可让您花费更多的时间进行创意,减少等待的时间。专注于设计,提供一整套用于照明,阴影和渲染的创意工具。世界排名前100位的建筑公司中,有95家每天都使用V-Ray进行渲染。


V-Ray for SketchUp provides designers with faster rendering, better lighting tools, and the ability to create and visualize complex scenes. This designer-friendly rendering solution for SketchUp features dramatic improvements to visualization workflow with V-Ray RT and improved image based lighting quality with the V-Ray Dome Light. V-Ray Proxy allows for easier complex scene management with highly detailed models.

支持Win系统:SketchUp 2016,2017,2018,2019,2020



SketchUp渲染器插件 V-Ray Next 4.20.03 for SketchUp 2016-2020 Win版

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