3DS MAX插件-画笔绘制物体填充插件 PhysX Painter v2.0

PhysX Painter能够以非常自然的方式非常快速地用您的资产填充场景。它允许您使用画笔创建它们,并使用“刚体”仿真自动将它们放置。无论您是从事建筑,游戏电影,商业广告等工作,您都经常需要使用一些资产在场景中添加细节。手工放置它们很繁琐,并且需要时间才能使它们看起来自然。您也可能尝试通过一些MassFX仿真来做到这一点,但是要花费很多时间才能获得所需的结果。使用此插件将大大改善您的工作流程,并帮助您在更短的时间内制作出更逼真的场景。


PhysX Painter is made to very quickly populate your scenes with your assets in a very natural way. It allows you to create them using a brush, and automatically place them with Rigid bodies simulation. Whether you work in architecture, game cinematics, commercials…etc you very often need to add details to your scenes with some assets. Placing them by hand is tedious and takes time to get a natural look. You also probably tried to do that with some MassFX simulations, but it takes a lot of time to get the result you want. Using this plugin will drastically improve your workflow and help you to make more believable scenes in less time.

支持软件:3DS MAX 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021



3DS MAX插件-画笔绘制物体填充插件 PhysX Painter v2.0

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