在本课程中,讲师Lee Lanier讨论了Resolve Fusion提供的3D环境。他演示了如何设置基本3D场景,添加和导入模型,分配材质和纹理,添加和调整灯光,以及如何与Fusion流的2D部分结合到3D场景。
In this course, our instructor Lee Lanier discusses the 3D environment provided by Resolve Fusion. He demonstrates how to set up a basic 3D scene, add and import models, assign materials and textures, add and adjust lights, and how to combine to the 3D scene with 2D parts of the Fusion flow.
达芬奇教程-三维空间场景搭建灯光摄像机动画操作 Lowepost – 3D Enviroments in Davinci Fusion