“Girl in the Spider‘s Web”《蜘蛛网中的女孩》Main ti<x>tle Sequence

《蜘蛛网中的女孩 Girl in the Spider's Web》是索尼影业的一部惊悚类电影,Elastic 的创意总监 Lisa Bolan 和 Nadia Tzuo 在这段开场标题序列中创造了一种隐喻和抽象的视觉语言,暗示了主人公不为人知的历史。


“Girl in the Spider‘s Web”《蜘蛛网中的女孩》Main ti&lt;x&gt;tle Sequence

《蜘蛛网中的女孩》 VFX Breakdown Reel 可以在这里观看到:https://www.newcger.com/cg/27051.html

Post Production

Design Studio: Elastic

Creative Directors: Lisa Bolan & Nadia Tzuo 

Designers: Kaya Thomas, Lynn Cho 

Head of CG: Kirk Shintani

3D Artists: Dustin Mellum, Paulo de Almada, Mason Dash, Bryan Cox, Caleb Ollivant, Josephine Kahng, Phiphat Pinyosophon, Josh Dyer, Jose Olguin, Jose Limon, Mike Dupree, Joe Paniagua, James Bolan 

2D & 3D Artist: Sam Sparks 

Matte Painter: Jie Zhou

Motion Capture: Tom Briggs

Compositors: James Gorman, Brian Begun, Elliott Brennan, Joshua Bolin 

Editor: Rachel Fowler 

Online Assistants: Corey Martinez, Tanner Hladek 

Senior Producer: Paul Makowski 

Pitch Producer: Meredith Cherniack

Executive Producer: Luke Colson 

Head of Production: Kate Berry 

Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall

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